Monday, January 27, 2020

Business Management: Small and Large Business Differences

Business Management: Small and Large Business Differences Small Large Management The purpose of this report is to review and provide a critical analysis (agree/disagree) if small businesses require different management style(s) compared to large businesses. In the contemporary business environment it is true that small business require different management styles compared to large ones. Therefore the report will start by outlining the differences between a small and large business and their characteristics. Moreover the report will look into different management styles and try to demonstrate their contributions to the small businesses compared to large ones, on top of that underpinning the strategic relationship which these style(s) have to the small businesses. 2.0 Introduction Before undertaking the discussion it’s important to know the meaning of a small and large business. What exactly is a small business and when does it become medium-sized or large, are the key questions whose answers will be portrayed in this report. The small business administration defined a small business as a firm with 500 or fewer employees with annual revenue under  £2500000 ( `). However the legal definition of â€Å"small† varies from country and industry, a small business is the one with small number of employees generally under 100 employees in the United States while under 50 employees in the European Union (strorey, 2005). Some definitions focus on numerical parameters in order to differentiate between smaller and larger business types. The European commission (EC) initiated an important set of definitions of small and medium sized enterprises based on the headcount, turnover and balance sheet value. The committee of inquiry on small firms, set up in the UK (1971) proposed that a small firm has three essential characteristics. A small firm is managed by its owner(s) in a personalized way. It has a relatively small share of market in economic terms. It is independent, in the sense that it does not form part of a larger enterprise and its ownership is relatively free from outside control in its principal decisions (Longenecker et al, 2000). 3.0 Methodology A background reading and research was done in writing this report by consulting lecturer notes of this module and creating points. A list of recommended text books (from the library) were consulted for application of academic theories and models. The report outline being updated when suitable new points were found, internet sources were used to gather examples and further arguments for consideration. 4.0 Findings Small businesses do not conform to any neat parameters, much depends on the industry in which they operate and the personalities and aspirations of those that run them. The objective of this section is to understand the deference between the management role in a small firm and in a larger corporation. Griffins (2000) explain the meaning of management as a set of functions directed at efficient and effective utilization of resources in the pursuit of organizational goals. Efficient in the sense that the resources are used wisely in a cost effective manner, and effective in making the right decisions and successfully implementing them. The management challenge is to maintain control over the process of an organization while at the same time leading, inspiring, directing and making decisions on all sorts of matters. Hannagan (1998) points out that the challenges of modern mangers is to deal with this tension between operating the present systems, structures and processes and the need to change in order to survive. The larger an organization the more specialized management can become, and at the highest level an organization need convergence of skills (Hannagan, 1998). Managing in a small business is not like managing part of a large organization, however, (Stokes Wilson, 2006 ) argue that it is difficult to say precisely what the difference are other than having fewer resources to things. According to (Stokes Wilson, 2006), Small business management is different in several respects to management in larger organizations because of social structures, relationships and because of the level of resources available. While these differences are derived from the numbers of employees and the size of turnover, it is their management implications that are the primary concern of this report. For example a manager who has special department in a small business is facing situation typical of small challenge than large business manager. Coyle (2003) explains that businesses with les than 10 employees rarely need a middle management structure, but over that size there is often pressure on the owner-manager to delegate more of the decision making. Waynarczyk (2001) identifies three key aspects in which small and large firms differ: uncertainty, innovation and evolution. Uncertainty- is a persistent feature of small firms which tend to have small customer bases and limited resources Innovation of either very new products, or marginal differences to well established ones, is a key factor in the success or failure of new business start-ups. Evolution refers to the state of constant structural and market changes which small firms are likely to experience as they struggle to survive and develop. It could be argued that uncertainty, innovation and evolution are also crucial part of the business environment of large corporates in today’s fast changing world. Siropolis (1998) also emphasize that management in small firms differ from that of large firms due a number aspects. These include; Centrality of the owner-manager The formality of structure The level of resource constraints Vulnerability to external context and change Limited product range and market focus. The vulnerability of small business to their external context has a relation to their inability to deal adequately with change. The introduction of new regulations can have a disproportionate effect on the fortunes of small business, whose limited resources cannot easily be redeployed to deal with the new procedures. (Hall, 1995) points out that small business environment exerts some pressure that can be different to the influences on larger organizations. Problems of the availability, cost of finance, and the burden of government regulations and paper work are examples of the preoccupation that concern the manager of a small enterprise but possibly do not concern many corporate managers in large organization (Scarborough Zimmerer, 2000). Differences in the environment are probably as great between sectors defined by products or markets as they are between those delineated by size of company. Such differences in the business environment justify the need of different management styles between small and large business firms. Moreover the financial management of a small business is different from that of a large firm. In a study conducted by walker and Petty the financial difference between small and large firms were evaluated and saw that there are clearly some differences between them. The disparities in dividend politics, dividends as a percent of earning are approximately 3% and 40% for small and large business (Hall, 1995). The second difference is the liquidity; large firms have more liquidity which is reflected by the current ratio, the quick and current ratio increase as the firm size becomes larger. This difference exists because, small firms retain smaller amount of accounts receivable and inventory, second small firms rely heavily on current liabilities, thus small firms maintain less liquidity. The apparent difference in liquidity between large and small firms lends further support that small business require a different management style to large ones. If the managers of small businesses are willing to assume greater risk, their attitude may well be reflected in the small firm’s liquidity (Zimmerer and Scarborough, 2005) According to (Stokes Wilson, 2006), the internal structure of a small business creates the need for a different management approach. In a larger company, the chief executive is the head of the team of specialists in production, finance, marketing, personnel and other functions. There is a clear distinction between those planning the future of the business in the longer term and those implementing the strategy on day to day basis. On the other hand small business owner-managers have to do it all; they are generalists who will have to turn their hand to all functions from sales to production. They are the planners and implementors, responsible for deciding strategy and making it happen. 4.1 Types of management control The way in which an owner-manager exercise control over their workforce will depend not just on the personality of a manager, but also the deposition of power in the employer-employee relationship. Saini Dhameja (1998) points that some circumstance gives the owner –manager, as employer, relatively high levels of control over employees; in other situations employees may be able to call more of tune. To illustrate this relationship Goss identified four types of management control- fraternalism, paternalism, benevolent autocracy and sweating in small firms. Extent of employee potential economic independence Fraternalism This describes a situation where the owner-manager is heavily dependent on the skills of the employees(s) to get the job done. This management is style is also common in professional and high technology small business. Paternalism This occurs where alternatives for employees are more limited, and the employer is less dependent on specific workers. E.g. farming Benevolent autocracy This is the most common situation in a small firm; the manager-owner is less dependent on the employee and able to exercise their influence from the position of power as an employer. Sweating This occurs in circumstance by which the employer exercises all the power and the employee none. These four examples of types of management control are not meant to be exhaustive; there are many variations on the theme. In some small firms two different modes of relationship can exist side by side. What emerge from looking at these types is that there is a highly varied pattern of management of people in small firms. 5.0 Business growth models Small businesses vary widely in size and capacity for growth. They are characterized by independence of action, differing organizational structures and varies management styles. As growth occurs managerial capacity constraint (Jensen and meckling, 1976) imply that existing behaviors are further reduced in frequency as new behaviors are adopted to manage the growing firm. As small businesses undergo these changes, a differentiating factor between successful and unsuccessful firms is that successful firms act in â€Å"anticipation of bigness† (Hambrick and Crozier 1985). Hence growth stage theories provide a measure of predictability regarding what to expect in anticipation of getting bigger. As newly formed business becomes established and grows its organization structures and pattern of management change. Longenecker et al (2000) points out that management in any organization must adapt to the growth and change, however they explain that changes involved in the early growth stages of a new business are much more extensive than those that occur with the growth of a relatively mature business. A number of experts have proposed models related to the growth stages of a business firms. These models typically describe four or five stages of growth and identify various management issues related to each stage. Some of these models are; 5.1 Churchill and Lewis growth model Churchill and Lewis suggest 5 growth stages of small business which each have its own management style. These stages are; Existence-this is the initial stage, where a business has an aim of staying alive, at this stage a business needs to find and maintain customers. Survival- at this stage a business, establish customer and produce position, viability, maintenance of cash flow. Success- this is stage where a business makes a choice between growth and consolidation. Take off-this is the growth. Maturity- a mature stage. This model provides the linkage of growth stages to management style, organizational structure, systems and overall strategy. See fig below Stage Management style Extent of formal system Major strategy Existence Direct supervision Minimal to non existent Existence Survival Supervised supervision Minimal Survival Success (growth) Delegation/coordination Basic, developing Maintaining profitable status quo; get resources for growth Take-off Divisional Mature Growth Mature Decentralization Extensive Return on investment Source: lecture notes, 2007 Moreover Scott and Bruce (1987) also presented changes in a firm which are associated with growth. These changes are presented in a form of stage models. They infer that the small firm moves from inception (stage 1) through to maturity (stage 5). Inception-this is the stage of generating profit gaining customers limited, gaining customers. Survival- at this stage a business experience over trading, uncontrolled growth. Growth- at this there is adequate resourcing, organizational structure develop, system and control. Expansion- there is financing growth, focusing externally on environment and At each of these stages the top management, the management style, and organization of structure change. The table below summarizes this application of this model. Growth stage Top management Management style Organizational structure Inception Direct supervision Entrepreneurial/individualistic Unstructured Survival Supervised/supervision Entrepreneurial/ administration Simple Growth Delegation/ condition Entrepreneurial/co ordination Functional centralized Expansion Decentralization Professional administrative Functional decentralized Maturity decentralization Watchdog Decentralized/functional product Source: (Storey, 121) In addition Greiner model (1972) sees also the relationship between management style and growth stage. He categorized the growth of a small business in five different phase stages, from phase 1 to phase 5 as explained below. Phase 1- involves growth through creativity and followed by crisis of leadership Phase 2-involves growth through direction followed by crisis of autonomy. Phase 3- involves growth through delegation and followed by crisis and o control Phase4-involves growth through coordination followed by crisis of red tape Phase 5- involves growth through collaboration and followed by crisis. 6.0 Is Mall Business Management Fundamentally Different To A Large Enterprise? Burns (2003) agree stating that â€Å"of course there are other characteristics of small business that may be added to the list: perhaps the most obvious is the severe limitation of resources faced by small firms both in terms of management and power as well as money. This statement highlights the qualitative and quantitative elements of small business that makes them fundamentally different to large business and not small scale. He points out that small business have many characteristics that set them apart from larger ventures. Personalized management-it is expected that the owner of a small company should always be involved material decision and take an active role on all aspects of the management. Since one person has much overwhelming control over decision. Managers deal with their staff in different ways, some are strict with their staff and like to be in complete control, whilst others are more relaxed and allow workers to the freedom to run their own working lives. Whatever approach is used it will be vital to the success of the business (Boddy, 2005). The organization is good as the person running it, hence he outline that there are three main categories of management styles which are; autocratic, paternalistic and democratic. Autocratic style of management (o authorial) managers likes to make all the important decision and closely supervise and control workers. Managers do not trust workers and simply gives orders (one way communication). Longenecker (reference) points that total management of an autocratic style and the use of informal control system often arise from the very real pressure of time in small business environment. Paternalistic management gives more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Managers are interested in how happy the workers are in many ways, they consult employees over issues and give feedback or opinions. The manager will however make the actual decision. Democratic style of management will put trust in employees and encourage them to make decisions. They will delegate to them the authority to do this and listen to their advice. Small market share-they can not dictate price or influence heavily on the numbers of goods sold. Their buying power is reduced since they do not buy in large quantities they must buy at a more expensive price. Small businesses must therefore sell at a more expensive price and become less competitive. Customer loyalty-small businesses especially those occupying the niche market often become reliant on small but loyal customer base. Should they only lose one or two of these customers the business may fail. Finance –small business often find it difficult to raise finance to grow, and are very dependant on customer prompt payment in order to survive. Small businesses are often family owned enterprises, Kets de Vries (1993) outline the following advantages and disadvantages of family owned enterprises. Advantages Long term perspective Dependable culture that encourages long lasting relationship with all business partners Strong identification/commitment and stability Knowing the business Family culture as a source of pride. Disadvantages Static thinking Managerial difficulties when family objective are in conflict. Less acceptable capital market Nepotism Succession problems 7.0 Conclusion Managing a small business is different to managing in a large company. Entrepreneurs need total management to jungle their many responsibility in running a small firm. Premises are key resources that require decisions on locations, physical and environmental features and types of lease or purchase. other operations resources to be managed include materials and equipment. People are the key resources in most enterprises,many entrepreneurs feel inadequate to deal with the legal issues and conformity to employment laws that are required today. Hence four management control have been identified in small business firms. Although small firms are frequently managed by solo owners some high growth firms are manged by an entrepreneur team. 8.0 References Boddy, D., 2005. Management: An Introduction. Pearson Education Limited: England Bridge S, O’Neil K and Cromie S, 1998. Understanding enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Small business. MacMillan Press Ltd, London. Burns P, 2001. Entrepreneurship and Small business. Palgrave, New York. Deakins, D., 1996. Entrepreneurship and Small Firms. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, London. Hanna Longenecker, J., Moore, C., and Petty, J., 2000. Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis. 11th Edition. South-Western College Publishing, USA Mullins, L., 2005. Management and Organisation Behaviour. Pearson Education Limited, England Saini, J.S., 1998. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Rawat Publications, New Delhi Scarborough, M.N. and Zimmerer, W.T., 2003. Effective Small business management: An entrepreneurial Approach. 7th Edition. Pearson Education, Inc: New Jersey. Siropolis, N., 1998. Entrepreneurship and Small Business management. 6th Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York. Stokes, D. and Wilson, N., 2006. Small Business Management and Storey, D (2002), understanding small business sector , Thompson Learning, London Accessed on 29th October 2007. ( Accessed on 29th October 2007.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Promote Children’s Welfare and Well Being in the Early Years

EYMP 3: Promote children’s welfare and well being in the early years 1. Welfare requirements were bought in, in September 2008 as part of the EYFS welfare requirements and are compulsory. Theses are split into 5 groups, which our operational planning covers. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare has legal and statutory guidance general legal requirements cover and the provider must take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.The provider must promote the good health of children and take necessary steps to prevent cross infections, and take appropriate action when they are ill. Children’s behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs. Specific legal requirements and statutory guidance covers safeguarding, information and complaints, premises and security, outings, equality of opportunities. Medicines, illness and injuries, food and drink, smoking, b ehaviour management. 2.The lines of reporting and responsibility in the work setting. In my staff handbook has how to report and my responsibility in my setting. Attached to this document. 2. 2 Explain systems for supporting children’s safety when: ? When receiving children into the setting we make sure they come in with a parent/carer. We ensure every child has the correct clothing and footwear for the appropriate weather. When receiving new children to join the setting all the correct paperwork is filled in the parents and child have settling in sessions.If a child has certain people that cannot pick them up we ensure people picking up that child are checked at the gate and I. D is checked we have passwords and photos of parents and carers. ? When a child leaves nursery at the end of the day we ensure they leave with a parent/carer if another person is picking up the nursery make sure everyone’s seen a photo of that person and a password is given at the gate their I. D is also checked, this all has to be confirmed with a parent/carer before pick up. Each child is then signed out by a parent/carer and signed ut by staff on a register. ? During offsite visits each child is either in a buggy or were a high visibility jacket with the teddies number on the back and each child wears a wrist strap attached to a member of staff. The ratio on a walk is 1. 2 on each walk there needs to be a head of unit, first aider, first aid bag, evacuation bag, water and phones. A register is taken every 15mins on a outing and a walks form is filled out of who is going on a walk, the ratio, time of departure and returning and were the walk is. . 4 Explain giving examples, why minimum requirements for space and staff ratios and necessary for children’s safety. ? The space in each room in nursery is necessary for children’s safety. In all the rooms below the age of three have a capacity of 12 children to four members of staff. In a room above three years o ld is a capacity of 20 children with for members of staff. If there is to many children in a room it would become unsafe for the children as there wouldn’t be enough room to play and take part in activities.If a room is over crowded for the amount of children it can cause more accidents, staff may not be able to care to a high standard. ? Staff ratio is very important for a child’s safety. The ratio for 0 – 2 years is 1:3, 2 – 3 is 1:4 and 3 years above is 1:8 this is set by the government and ofsted. This is to allow each practitioner to look after a correct amount of children at a safe level to ensure each child’s needs are met and not put in danger.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Secession of the South: Causes for Tension

Throughout the 1840’s and 1850’s a growing tension developed between the Northern and Southern states of America. That tension was primarily focused on the existence of slavery in the Southern states. Most Northern states had abolished slavery by 1850 and made a promise to the people to end slavery completely. They wanted the South to begin to become similar to the North, and to live under the concept of free labor, and not rely on slavery for productivity. The resentment for the interference of the North angered southerners because they felt that it was not the place of the federal government to interfere.Ever since the American Revolution sectional differences arose, the first being those favoring greater states rights and those favoring greater federal rights. Ever since the Revolution more and more dissimilarities arose between the North and the South due to differences in modernization and societal development. These different ideals caused tensions between the two sections and difficulties in staying together as a single union. The Southern ways of life were being targeted and altered by the North’s inconsiderate decisions of their societies foundation, though the North had a strong basis.The southern secession in 1860 was in direct result of the inability for the North and South to cooperate and coexist, and was the only possible alternative, in the minds of the southerners, for the different methods of living to remain. There were many aspects that varied among the North and South states that lead to the Civil War and among these were economic, social and political differences. Economic and social divergences between the North and the South were one of the most prominent factors leading to Southern secession.The Southern economy was heavily supported on cotton, due to Eli Whitney’s invention of the Cotton Gin, which made cotton extraordinarily profitable for most southern plantation owners. The southerner’s focus shift ed from all other previous crops to cotton, but cotton still required labor to be taken from the fields. Slavery became an institution that, in a sense, was the foundation for southern economy because of the fact that it was an inexpensive and vastly available labor source. Completely opposing southern society was that of the North, which was an industrial based economy instead of an agricultural one.The North utilized the raw materials and turned them into finish goods, making slavery neither an immediate necessity nor a foundation for their economy. The economic attitudes that differentiated the North and the South were exceedingly dissimilar and there was not a great deal flexibility for change. The southern reliance on slavery for labor and the northern perception of the institution as cruel and inhumane, were conflicts that challenged the southerners’ way of life and arose much tension between the two.Social differences between the North and the South coincided with thei r economic differences. The South, being agriculturally based could not relate and could not be related to by the North. The North experienced industrialization and drastically modernized, but the South continued with the traditional plantation system and strict social order it had began with, creating the lack of connection between the two due to two completely polar opposite societies. The North’s attitude towards the South was perceived as the attacking of another societies lifestyle and existence.With the limitations on the expansion of slavery, the growing abolitionist movement in the north and the election of Abraham Lincoln, secession was the only way to escape the North’s condemnation of the South as a whole. States rights versus federal rights, was a problem that arose from the time of the Revolution, a problem that undermined the union of the north and the south. After independence from Great Britain was acquired, the issue of states rights versus federal rig hts was in need of a solution.The Articles of Confederation was the first government succeeding the Revolution, in which states rights were favored, and states were united under a weak confederation. Ultimately failing due to conflicts that developed within the nation, the United States Constitution was established which put power primarily in the hands of the federal government. The new form of government was not popular among many states because they felt that their own individual states rights were being disregarded and lost the ability to act autonomously.The Nullification Crisis, being one of the biggest conflicts, occurred when South Carolina attempted to void and not follow laws implemented by Congress if they were deemed unconstitutional by the state. This problem arose from the Tariff of Abominations, which taxed goods from Great Britain and disrupted the trade of cotton in exchange for manufactured goods. The southern economy was being threatened by the new ideas of the no rth, enraging southerners that the north was abusing the power they had over the country as a whole.The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was an addition to the compromise of 1850, stating that if a slave escapes and flees into another state, being free or slave, the return of said slaves was mandatory. The North, being for the most part anti-slavery, defied the Fugitive Slave Act and harbored escaped slaves without returning them (Northern Sate Defies Fugitive State Act, 1). The inability for the North to understand the situation of the South and the South to understand the northern way of thinking added more and more tension to the already unstable union of the two.Western territorial expansion was a major problem among pro-slavery and anti-slavery proponents. The immense amount of land attained from the Mexican war and the Louisiana Purchase was beneficial for the completion of the United States but the slavery issue was only worsened. In 1820, to lessen the tension without creating any hasty conflicts, the Missouri Compromise was passed to decide whether new states added to the Union from the Louisiana Purchase would be slave or free states. The agreement stated, frankly, that states that were admitted to the south were slave states and those of the north were free states.In 1850, after the Mexican war the question arose again whether states would be free or slave states and this time solution was different than the Missouri compromise. The Compromise of 1850 was a bill that clarified the controversies that came with the New Mexico territory and did not follow the aforementioned Missouri compromise. James C. Calhoun, in reaction to the Compromise stated, â€Å"that the agitation of the subject of slavery would, if not prevented†¦ end in disunion† (A Dying Statesman Speaks out Against the Compromise of 1850, 1).The southern pride in their societal and economic structure openly accepted from the beginning that if slavery remains the issue, then secessio n remains the solution. In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, which repealed the Missouri Compromise and stated that to decide whether these new territories would be free or slave, popular sovereignty among the settlers would be the ultimate decision. The passing of the law was to settle all unfairness and let the people decide, but the law was taken advantage of by pro-slavery Missourians.Kansas immediately was filled with Missourians who wanted to ensure that Kansas was in favor of slavery and intended to do so by increasing the pro-slavery concentration there. Northerners, desiring slavery to be banned and abolished, did the same to ensure that the pro-slavery Missourians did not make Kansas a slave state (Free State Convention, 1). The accumulation of angry pro-slavery southerners and anti-slavery northerners in Kansas resulted in open warfare in the city of Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas Begins to Bleed, 3).This physical conflict, â€Å"Bleeding Kansas†, over the section al differences of the North and South defined the division of the United States as a whole. The Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 resulted in the immediate secession of the many southern states, and the formation of the Confederate states of America. Lincoln’s statement â€Å" I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all of the other.Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it†¦ or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful states, old as well new – North as well as South† (Abraham Lincoln, A House Divided, 1). Stated straightforwardly by the president, Lincoln addressed the issue of slavery and sectional differences by stating that either slavery will be abolished and put into extinction or will be an institution in the North and the South, because â€Å" a house divided against it self cannot stand† (Abraham Lincoln, A House Divided, 1).Abraham Lincoln was perceived by the south as a Republican that would further limit states rights and therefore, acting as the final catalyst, forced South Carolina to secede from the Union. Slavery was not the reason that the American Civil War was fought, but it was an underlying area of focus. Slavery was an institution that was much less appealing to northerners but crucially essential for southerners. The northern intent was to completely abolish slavery but could not completely do so immediately due to the southern dependence on the institution.Southerners knew that if slavery was not permitted to expand with the countries borders then the institution could not progress and would fade away and taking along with it the southern way of life. The tensions arose from the belief that the northerners were dominating the South, and the l ast resort of the southern states, after countless attempts to coexist, was to disaffiliate and form an independent union in which they could live as they leased with no repercussions. The initial and overall conflict for the actual war between the North and the South were the issue of federalism versus anti-federalism and the lacking of a strong connection between the two, making them act as if they were separate entities. The Civil War was fought to keep the southern states from seceding and a consequence of the North’s winning was the abolition of the institution of slavery

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Ralph Waldo Emerson Strongly Believed in Self-Reliance - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 622 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Philosophy Essay Level High school Tags: Transcendentalism Essay Did you like this example? What problems did he have with individuals relying too much upon others (as the commune Transcendentalists argued for)? Emerson strongly believed in self-reliance because it, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men (213). For Emerson self-reliance is more of a way to be able to maintain the change within religion, pursuits, and education. Emersons problems with individuals replying to much upon others were when he realized that his self-reliance isnt what he thought it would be ever since he lost his son, he had good reason to question whether compensation really kept things on cosmic balance (215). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ralph Waldo Emerson Strongly Believed in Self-Reliance" essay for you Create order People were questioning Emersons use to self-reliance, but he later states that to be able to understand it there was to be, patience and patience (215). Emersons critics, many of whom were fellow Transcendentalists, argued against his notions of self-reliance. In fact, they went as far as labeling Emersons teaching as egotheism (216). What is egotheism, and why did other Transcendentalists and it disturbing? Egotheism meaning is that it shows interest in one individual only, to be more self-reliant. Other Transcendentalist found it disturbing because, The problem with viewing the world as Emerson did was that people deified their own conceptions; that is, they say that their conception of God is all that men can ever know of God (216). Peabody was the one who describes Emersons use of self-reliance to be quite disappointing to her. Another was Henry James Sr who said that with the criticism it was a, selfhood imposed on us by the evil world, a project in which some Transcendentalist were undeniably complicit (217). With the criticism that Emersons self-reliance was receiving Emerson was able to have Transcendentalist who were Alcott and Fuller to be on his side in his program of self-culture. The branch of Transcendentalism that desired less self-reliance and more social reform found their new champion in 1847 in the form of Theodore Parker. What was some of Parkers charge to his fellow Christians and/ or transcendentalists? Parkers charge to his fellow Christians and Transcendentalist is that Parker was, influenced by Schleiermachers sense of mans cosmic dependence (218). For Parker God was someone that humanity needed to be able to become a whole altogether. Believing in having a more social reform, Parker had lost many of his followers and friends as well. Peabody was one of his admirers who liked the way he was able to inspire her, but when she presented him to other Transcendentalist, she became a bit disappointed that others couldnt see Parkers that way she did. Margaret Fuller, originally a close follower of Emerson and his ideas on self-reliance and self-reform, began to make a shift towards social reform in the mid-1840s. What were three areas of social concern that Fuller began to focus on? Also, what was her interest with and/ or in Europe during the mid- to late-1840s? Fuller began to focus on women rights, slavery, and the city institutions within the indigent, Her engagements with these topics marked an important transition in her career (227). Fullers focus within the three had led her to become a huge impact within Transcendentalism. Fuller was interested in Europe during the 1840s was because, she jumped at the chance, eager to finally visit the Continent and to see how other nations welcomed freedom, equality, and brotherhood (232). Fuller took the opportunity to be able to go to Europe had gained her to known and meet people such as Giuseppe Mazzini who was able to get into Fullers mind with his understanding with nationhood. Being in Europe Fuller had said, Had I only come ten years earlier (235). Showing that staying in Europe had led her to be more motived on not to fail.